The Noise's 50+ combo HUD animation. He is incredibly excited, so excited in fact that he's popping his head outside of the TV, with his arms holding onto the edge. His eyes are buldging, sweat dripping off of him, and is shaking in excitement. The Noise's 50+ combo HUD animation. He is incredibly excited, so excited in fact that he's popping his head outside of the TV, with his arms holding onto the edge. His eyes are buldging, sweat dripping off of him, and is shaking in excitement.
A comic made on Comic Studio using Pizza Tower sprites. It consists of only one panel of Peppino sweating and tensing his teeth while looking down remarking, 'mama mia I wanna bounce on his bottom surgery dick'. Gustavo is right next to him. There is a tiny Noise Goblin walking along Peppino's speech bubble. A comic made on Comic Studio using Pizza Tower sprites. It consists of only one panel of Peppino sweating and tensing his teeth while looking down remarking, 'mama mia I wanna bounce on his bottom surgery dick'. Gustavo is right next to him. There is a tiny Noise Goblin walking along Peppino's speech bubble.
A cropped screenshot of the Noise in Peppino's secret room, which is unlocked after beating the Noise's campaign. Peppino is lounging on his bed, bewildered, while the Noise is crouched right next to him, as if they were having sex. The image is captioned with, 'ermm... you didn't us uhm... in the act, did you?' The Noise wearing the 'Forest Goblin' clothes, which makes his clothes brown and red, and his skin green. A gif of Peppino crouching very closely to Gustavo's dancing sprite in the Sound Test room for Pizza Tower. The positioning of the sprites and Gustavo's dance moves, in which he shimmies left and right, look like the two characters are having sex and Gustavo is holding onto Peppino. Both Peppino and Gustavo are wearing the 'Bloodstained' clothes unlocked during the Halloween event. The gif is sped up and captioned, 'buddying it up'.
The same gif as the previous gif, except that it's captioned, 'playing happy games'. The same gif as the last two, but it is at a normal speed and is captioned, 'Gustavo: did you seriously just uhm...catch us in the middle of 'the act'?'
A gif of the Noise crouched near Noisette's dancing sprite in the Sound Test room, which makes the two characters look like they're having sex. The Noise is in the Forest Goblin clothes. The gif is at normal speed and is captioned, 'me and my wife buddying it up gangnam style.' The same gif as the previous one, but without a caption. This gif is similar to the previous two, except the Noise is going in and out of his crouching and dancing animation, which the dancing animation is him gleefully shaking his butt at the camera. The gif is captioned, 'twerking on my wife!!!!!!!!1' two sprites of Gustavo and Peppino positioned in a way that looks like Gustavo is pegging Peppino. Gustavo's sprite is taken from his falling down animation, while Peppino's is his slide animation. A spite edit that makes it look like Gustavo is giving Peppino a blowjob. Peppino is sweating and clenching his teeth while Gustavo has a blank expression. Two Peppino and Gustavo sprites where it looks like Peppino is pegging Gustavo. Gustavo's sprite is from his crouching animation, and Peppino's is from his animation after mach running for a while.
Peppino's HUD animation for when you have a combo of 3 or more. He is up close to the screen and sadistically smiling, hands on the screen as well. One of his eyes has a smaller pupil and a colorless iris while the other one is larger and doesn't have an iris. He is breathing somewhat heavily. Peppino's HUD animation for when you have a combo of 3 or more. He is up close to the screen and sadistically smiling, hands on the screen as well. One of his eyes has a smaller pupil and a colorless iris while the other one is larger and doesn't have an iris. He is breathing somewhat heavily.
Another comic studio image using Pizza Tower sprites. This one has three panels and is titled 'Peppino gaysex'. The first panel is Peppino looking dejected with two speech bubbles. The first one says, 'mama mia! my life is so fucking horrible,' and the second one says, 'I should just kill my-a self! There are multiple empty speech bubbles behind the two speech bubbles. The second panel is of Gustavo blushing while gesturing towards the Gnome Jester's house in Gnome Forest. He says, 'LETS JERK IT IN THIS JESTER HOUSE HOT STUFF'. The final panel is of Gerome eating a sandwhich while next to the Jester House, which Gustavo and Peppino are having sex in.There are a couple dollar bills next to Gerome. Gustavo's yodeling and Peppino going, 'YEEEEOOOUUU!!!!!!!' can be heard out of the tent. There is a 'WOW!' and 'HOLY SHIT!' placed for emphasis.
An image made in Microsoft Paint of one of the Noise's breakdance sprite (specifically the one where his stomach is emphasized while he sways in a circle) surrounded by crudely drawn green stink lines. There are also two red arrows accompanied by text. The first arrow points to the Noise's belly and is captioned, 'big gassy belly' and the other one points to the stink lines and says 'Raw green aura.' Button that leads back to shrine menu. It's a gif of a stick figure (reminiscent of what you'd see on an exit sign) trying to run out an exit but hurts its leg on the way, and gets shut out by another stick figure. Katakana appears at the beginning and end of the gif, potentially to be some kind of exclamation.